(Established in 1980)

The United Methodist Men's Club meets on the first Sunday of each month from January through December (regardless of Holidays). The meeting starts at 7:00am with a breakfast prepared by two or three men from the club. The rest of the meeting consists of singing, devotions, the business of the UMM and at times, a spotlight where members will share their experiences with the group. The meeting takes place in the JUMC Fellowship Hall.

The full membership averages around 18-25 with monthly attendance typically at 15-20. Guests are always welcome.

We have fund raisers each year, typically in the spring and the fall.  In the spring and fall, we sell Nelson's barbeque chicken & pork chops and Pit-Tatoes©.  In the fall we may have an All-You-Can-Eat Sausage and Pancake breakfast.  We have also had All-You-Can-Eat spaghetti suppers.

The funds raised each year have enabled the men to help the needs of the church and the community. Over the years we have given financial assistance for youth church camp fees, VBS, VBS mission trips to Mississippi City, video recording of Sunday morning Church Service for the shut-in's, donations to Bashor Home, sponsorship of a Baugo Little League Team and many other needs that are brought to the attention of the men.

Come join us the first Sunday of the month and enjoy the fellowship and a good breakfast.

Officers for 2024
President, Steve Squibb; Vice-President, ?
Secretary, Jeff Clark
Treasurer, Keith Berg

2024 United Methodist Men’s Schedule
Devotions – Gary Buss/Jeff Clark
Song Leader – Jeff Clark

Schedule is finalized (for now!)

Date Cook Cook
January 7th Steve Squibb --------
February 4th Tom Cook Jim Angel
March 3rd Gary Buss Jim Eggleston
April 7th Jeff Clark Steve Mann
May 5th Ray Hochstetler Steve Squibb
May 25th Port-a-Pit at Smith's Food Mart
June 2nd Gary Buss Steve Mann
June 30th Note date change. Bruce Clark Jeff Clark
August 4th Bruce Clark Tom Cook
September 1st Keith Berg Jim Eggleston
October 6th Jeff Clark Doug Cook
November 3rd Ray Hochstetler Jim Angel
December 1st Keith Berg Doug Cook

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