From the Pastor

July, 2024

Every single morning when I open my computer, my antivirus program appears in the corner of my laptop to warn me of potential problems that could be coming up.  It glares at me each morning, and subliminally suggests whether or not I need to scan my computer for potential threats or risks.  This brings to mind a popular TV show in the 60’s and 70’s,Robot where the funny looking robot yells out “Warning! Will Robinson!”  I wasn’t old enough to fully understand what the show was about, or why this robot with the funny looking arms would say this, but it makes me think that if we see these warning signs too frequently, they may lose their power to properly alert us to potential hazards.

The name of this show was Lost in Space, and by today’s standards, it does not seem to rank up there with the latest in space-aged technological movie making practices.  But the concept still is timeless.  Which causes me to consider...who do we count on to alert us when we need a heads up, to avoid getting into the rough spots of life?  As Christ-followers, we have the Word of God to instruct us, and the voice of the Holy Spirit to lead us and also to guide us.  The Holy Spirit warns us of danger, as he did during the days in the Bible to act as a witness and as a warner as the prophets did when God’s people strayed.  Sometimes they took heed and listened as in the story of the Ninevites and Jonah.  Other times they did not heed the warning and suffered the consequences of their actions.

The robots, and all other human-made warning signals are flawed, however.  They can fail and lose their power over time and repetition.  They malfunction.  But the Holy Spirit is perfect in timing and in the lessons we are taught.  I have had many warnings from doctors and wellmeaning, wise physicians.  Advice from health experts that I have ignored.  Now, by God’s grace, I have a second chance at treating my body well, and possibly a new lease on living a healthy lifestyle.  As I face my open-heart surgery tomorrow1 and look to the doctors and surgeon to help me be better, I am reminded of the aspects pertaining to our spiritual health; Prayer, bible study, spiritual disciplines.  And I am reminded always that God is always making all things new.  Praise be to God for his grace and leading.  I pray that I may follow him and lead my body towards a new and more healthy direction.  I pray this for all of us, as we begin our second year of ministry together.  Blessings to you all, and many hugs of appreciation also.

God is good! All the time!
   All the time, God is Good!

Blessings and Love,

Pastor Bette

1Because of the lateness of receiving this information, Pastor Bette has already had her surgery and is home recovering and doing well.  She is on the road to a full recovery.  She wants to thank everyone for your prayers and well wishes.  She will continue to be on medical leave for several weeks.

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