Church News

U p c o m i n g
N e w s  &  E v e n t s
• Sunday Service On YouTube
• Monthly Newsletters
• Loose Coin Offering
• Mission for Church Community Service
• Susanna's Kitchen Needs
• Devotions & Drumming—Mon.-Wed.-Fri.
• Bible Study—On Hold until Pastor Bette returns.
• United Methodist Men's Breakfast—August 4th
Click here for Monthly Calendars with other Events

• Sunday Service YouTube Videos
Church Services on YouTube.  Go to the menu at the left and select "Sermons & Scriptures" then select the Sunday Service you wish to watch.

• On-line Monthly Newsletter
The July 2024, Jamestown Today is now available. Thank you for your patience.
Click here Newsletters or on the "Newsletters" link at the left.

• Loose Coin Offering
Hands with Coins

Our July 2024 collection will go to LoveWay Therapeutic Equestrian Services. LoveWay works on “Enhancing the lives of individuals with special needs through comprehensive therapeutic equestrian services.”  You may give anytime during the month.
Simply write a separate check or cash and mark it “loose coin”.


Thank you for your generosity.
Jackie Ullery, Missions Leader.


• Mission for Church Community Service
It's been a long standing tradition at JUMC to collect non-perishable food for Church Community Services on the first Sunday of each month.  Collections have been dwindling to very low levels recently.  For the unforeseen future, Missions is trying to improve our contributions by designating specific products that will be chosen monthly and collected throughout the month.  At the end of the month, those items will be delivered to CCS and a new set of products chosen.  Let's work together to show God's love to our community.

July giving: Cans of coffee, canned beverages, drink mixes, snacks.  We(CCS) leverage every donation.  For example, a $100 donation gives us the leverage to purchase $600 worth of food for the pantry!
If you would like to make a donation, visit the CCS website at and click on the Donate button today.

• Susanna's Kitchen
Susanna's Kitchen is short of many food items they use on a regular basis; Instant Potatoes, Elbow Macaroni, Noodles, Lemonade Mix, Cream of Celery Soup and Cream of Chicken Soup.  They serve 60-70 people at every meal so large size packages of these items are needed.
They are also collecting gently used winter coats and blankets.  (If you have the small light weight ones, please sew two together).  They are also starting to take donations for their Thanksgiving Dinner meat.  Please help them out with whatever you can.  And thank God our Father for what we have to share with others.

• Devotions & Drumming
Cardio Drum With Me

Exercise your body and your spiritual mind.  Join us for Devotions and Cardio Drumming.
We will meet in the Fellowship Hall on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8:30-9:15 a.m.  Check "Monthly Calender" for changes.
This class is open to all ages and all levels of fitness.  You will need an exercise ball, bucket and drumsticks.  I hope you can join us for some lively music and fun exercise.  Contact Roberta Mann, Jeff Clark or the office if you have any questions.


Bible Study (On Hold)
Bible Study Image

Interested in a Bible Study?  A Bible Study is taking place at Jamestown UMC on Mondays at 9:30am.
Click on Bible Study on the left for more information.
No worry if you missed previous sessions.


• United Methodist Men's Breakfast
United Methodist Men Logo

The United Methodist Men will be having their monthly breakfast/meeting on  August 4th at 7:30am.  Please join us in the Fellowship Hall.



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